Monday, June 2, 2008

This Just In

 Good evening everyone. Tonight in the Hudstown news at 8:45 (I would do the news at 9, but I'm not gonna make it)...I went to meet Lillian yesterday on a bib date. Or at least I thought that's what it was. I wore my "Tastes Like Chicken" bib hoping to impress, hinting that I don't actually eat chicken, but I was quick to notice she left her bib off. Well, you have got to see the diapers on about having it all...great disposition, makes me laugh, she's focused, and she's a knockout. Like her mom. And her dad is, um, well...she's like her mom. Ok, moving on...
I stopped by Grandma's house on the way home...but this isn't about me right now. I would like to take a quick second to personally invite every single Baltimore Oriole in the north Jersey vicinity to stop by her backyard and enjoy a few peanuts or seeds or whatever. Consider it an open bar. Enjoy! She was very excited that one of you flew by earlier in the day. But please, peck responsibly. Don't fly if you've had too much from the feeder. 
Pause: Have a look at my hunky leg moment...ok move on...
Lastly, look how much fun my mommy is having. I just let her have her fun and hang out for as long as I can without, you know, poopin' or spittin'. I just figure, "Ah, she's having a good time. Let her go."
That's it for today. Thanks for checkin' in...I'm out. Stay tuned for Family Guy.  



AB said...

Bib time I'll put on my party dress and designer bib just for you. About my diapers, thanks for noticing they were only changed a few minutes before you stopped by.

Dave Toth said...

I think huddies legs are now officially bigger than dads arms...

Dave Toth said...

BTW picture number two?
Its like looking right at you Joe, uncanny resemblance

pic number one?
put a gold chain on him and yea we got joe in high school

Rosie said...

It is always a joy when you come to see me. I have so much to show you .If I had only one thing to teach you it would be for you to love the beauty of the world around you ,and for you to understand the balance and how you are a part of that.Your mom and dad will be your greatist teachers ,for they both have learned that what really is important is the simple things in life, and money cannot buy that. SEE YOU IN THE BACK YARD SOON

Aunt Margy said...

Sweetest thing......
Look at you. So happy, content and handsome!!.. I wish you were closer. Sounds like you have all the little girls attention. I agree with Dave, you are you're daddy all over again. Keep learning and wonders will never cease.
Aunt Margy

Pamela said...


Thanks for the early morning laughs. I love your advice about pecking responsibly. You are one handsome devil. Love the thighs! Don't change a thing!!