Friday, June 6, 2008

Prom Night

My aunt Tiffany had her prom tonight, so I took a back seat in the rent's car to go and see her in her dress. I had to stare at her for quite a while, as you can see in the first pic, because she looked so perfect (not to mention I wanted to chew on her hair). Then I offered to chaperone, but she thought I might need a diaper change in the middle of the night and delay plans. I agreed that it probably wasn't a great idea, so I stayed back at Grandma's house and had a rub-a-dub (you know, that's the fancy word for "bath"...remember?)

So, I hope she's having fun tonight. You know, I can't even remember my prom...or wait, maybe that's because it's not for another 18 years. Oh man...

1 comment:

Aunt Margy said...

Congrats to Aunt Tiffany..... I remember when she was you're age. She looks beautiful.. You have a little ways before you get to go to your prom. But time flys... so don't let the wind get in the way of you're learning and wondering of all the things around you. What an awesome start you have had.... and it's only gonna' get better...